Enjoy software architecture and programming

My Setup



My work laptop is a Dell Latitude 7400. I do have a 2016 Apple Macbook Pro (13"/8GB/128GB version) which is rarely used these days.

The other stuff on the desk includes:

The desk is an IKEA Linnmon and chair is a 2nd hand Featherlite chair which I picked up for quite cheap from a local store in Bengaluru, India.

I use a OnePlus 7 with stock OxygenOS as my primary phone. I pair it up with Bose SoundSport Wireless earbuds because the world decided that there will be no headphones jack in a phone costing 30k+ and somehow we are fine with that? I also take notes on my Apple iPad when I am reading a long article or collating notes.

Home Server

I run 2 Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB RAM + 2GB RAM) for self-hosting a few applications for personal use. If you want to read a detailed post on my home server post, you should check out this.


I run EndeavourOS which is a painless setup for running Arch Linux. I like to stay on the bleeding edge.


I use KDE Plasma as my primary desktop environment with Breeze dark theme.

Some of the applications I use daily:


I use Noto Sans as my primary reading font and Cascadia as a monospace font.


Theme: Night Owl with italics disabled.



I use Konsole since it comes with KDE Plasma. I use zsh shell with a standard off the shelf config from OhMyZsh.

Some of the extra plugins that I use and found helpful:

I pair zsh with starship which makes the entire terminal config very portable and easy to setup.

Future Goals

It took me a good amount of experimentation with different apps, peripherals and distro-hopping but I finally feel like my current workflow is reliable and something that won't require any tweaking for a good amount of time. Shortly, I'd like to figure out a setup to automate my backups from my self hosted git server as well as set up a Nextcloud WebDAV to get rid of Joplin's Dropbox sync.

But that's for some other day, the weather in Bengaluru is amazing for a month like July, so I'll make some hot ginger tea and enjoy the rainy evening for now.

Also, bonus picture. This is how my setup looks at night!

