
    如果您正在远程服务器上工作,您知道与他人共享文件通常需要多个步骤。nani是一个 Bash 脚本,旨在简化这一过程。通过执行一个命令,您可以将本地文件或 URL 转换为可访问的链接,从而可以直接从服务器更容易地共享。

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    • 多文件类型: 处理目录、FLAC 文件、文本文件,甚至视频 URL。
    • 可定制: 通过配置文件或运行时标志定制设置。
    • 通知: 桌面通知和剪贴板集成,以提供更好的体验。


    1. nani 放在您的 PATH 环境变量中的目录内。
    2. 使脚本可执行。



    $ nani Path/To/picture.png


    $ nani -o Path/To/Directory

    通过标志可以实现额外的控制。以下是 nani --help 的输出:

    Usage: nani [options] <infile>
    Provides public URL from input.
    Input handling:
        Directory                       Will be stored using zip (or symbolic link)
        FLAC                            Can be transcoded to MP3
        Text (html, php...)             Extension can be set to .txt
        Other files                     New copy/hard link/symbolic link at output directory
        URL to video (e.g: youtube)     Downloaded using yt-dlp
        Other URLs                      Downloaded using wget
    Modify the first lines of the script to change how nani behaves: quiet mode,
    enabling/disabling transcoding, length of the string, extension truncation...
    Settings and options:
        -a, --alias      Revert the hard link setting
        -c, --cleanup    Remove all files on /nani/ except index.html
        -h, --help       Display this help and exit
        -i, --insert     Open nano to enter text. Saved in output directory as .txt
        -k, --keep       Output dir becomes /nani/k/, to set different cleanup rules
        -l, --list       List files in output directory /nani/
        -n, --name       Use custom name (e.g. nani -n DesiredName <file>)
        -N, --notify     Revert the notify option
        -o, --original   Preserve original file name
        -p, --push       Send push notification
        -q, --quiet      Revert the quiet setting
        -s, --string     Force a certain string length (e.g. nani -s 32 <file>)
        -t, --transcode  Revert the transcode setting
        -x, --xclip      Revert the xclip setting
        -y, --symbolic   Create a symbolic link for files and directories