
  • 27 9月 2022
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  • 标签: 
  • BST
  • 算法
  • 更新于 28 9月 2022

前文二叉查找树图解以图文相结合的方式,对二叉查找树添加、查找和删除数据结点底层原理进行解读,本文来聊聊二叉查找树添加、查找和删除数据结点算法实现,采用 C# 语言进行呈现。


public class BinaryTreeNode
    /// <summary>
    /// node data
    /// </summary>
    public int Data { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// left child
    /// </summary>
    public BinaryTreeNode LeftChild { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// right child
    /// </summary>
    public BinaryTreeNode RightChild { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="data">node data</param>
    public BinaryTreeNode(int data)
        Data = data;



添加数据结点的逻辑:从二叉查找树的顶端结点开始寻找添加数字的位置,将要添加的数字与结点中的值(假设为 x)进行比较,小于 x 则往左移(左子树),大于 x 则往右移(右子树)。


public BinaryTreeNode Insert(BinaryTreeNode node, int data)
    if (node == null)
        return new BinaryTreeNode(data);

    if (data < node.Data)
        //If 'data' is less than the value of the current node,
        //it indicates that 'data' should be inserted into the left subtree of the node
        node.LeftChild = Insert(node.LeftChild, data);
        return node;

    if (data > node.Data)
        //If 'data' is greater than the value of the current node,
        //it indicates that 'data' should be inserted into the left subtree of the node
        node.RightChild = Insert(node.RightChild, data);
        return node;

    //the target node is found, insert data fails
    throw new ArgumentException("There is a node value equal to the parameter", nameof(data));




public BinaryTreeNode Search(BinaryTreeNode binaryTreeNode, int data)
    if (binaryTreeNode == null || data == binaryTreeNode.Data)
        return binaryTreeNode;

    if (data < binaryTreeNode.Data)
        return Search(binaryTreeNode.LeftChild, data);

    return Search(binaryTreeNode.RightChild, data);




public BinaryTreeNode Delete(BinaryTreeNode binaryTree, int data)
    if (binaryTree == null)
        //The node to be deleted does not exist
        throw new ArgumentException("The node to be deleted does not exist.");

    if (data == binaryTree.Data)
        //Find the target node, delete it and return the tree after deleting the node.
        return Delete(ref binaryTree);

    if (data < binaryTree.Data)
        binaryTree.LeftChild = Delete(binaryTree.LeftChild, data);
        return binaryTree;

    binaryTree.RightChild = Delete(binaryTree.RightChild, data);
    return binaryTree;


private static BinaryTreeNode Delete(ref BinaryTreeNode treeNode)
    //1. If the node to be deleted is a leaf node (that is to say, there is no child node),
    // just delete the node directly, the whole tree is still a binary search tree.
    if (treeNode.LeftChild == null && treeNode.RightChild == null)
        treeNode = null;
        return treeNode;

    //2. If the node to be deleted has two child nodes, first delete the target node,
    // then find the largest node in the left subtree of the deleted node,
    // and move the largest node to the position of the deleted node.
    if (treeNode.LeftChild != null && treeNode.RightChild != null)
        BinaryTreeNode parentPreNode = treeNode;        //The parent node of the predecessor node
        BinaryTreeNode preNode = treeNode.LeftChild;    //predecessor node

        //find the predecessor node of the node to be deleted
        while (preNode.RightChild != null)
            parentPreNode = preNode;
            preNode = preNode.RightChild;

        // Change the value of the node to be deleted.
        treeNode.Data = preNode.Data;
        if (parentPreNode != treeNode)
            //If the parentPreNode and deleteNode nodes are different,
            //the parentPreNode after deleting the preNode will have no right subtree,
            //so the left subtree of preNode is used as the right subtree of parentPreNode
            parentPreNode.RightChild = preNode.LeftChild;
            //If the parentPreNode and deleteNode nodes are the same,
            //the parentPreNode (deleteNode) after deleting the preNode will have no left subtree,
            //so the left subtree of preNode is used as the left subtree of parentPreNode (deleteNode)
            parentPreNode.LeftChild = preNode.LeftChild;

        return treeNode;

    //3. If the node to be deleted has only one child node, then delete the target node first,
    // and then move the child node to the position of the deleted node.
    if (treeNode.LeftChild != null)
        treeNode = treeNode.LeftChild;
        return treeNode;

    if (treeNode.RightChild != null)
        treeNode = treeNode.RightChild;
        return treeNode;

    return treeNode;


二叉查找树算法实现完整代码地址:前往 github