Install and Configure Maven Tutorial

This article discusses Maven, which is the latest released version: Apache Maven 3.9.8.

System Requirements

The following are the system requirements for installing this version:

Java Development Kit (JDK): Maven 3.9+ requires JDK 8 or above to execute. It still allows you to build against 1.3 and other JDK versions by using toolchains.

Memory:No minimum requirement

Disk:Approximately 10MB is required for the Maven installation itself. In addition to that, disk space will be used for your local Maven repository. The size of your local repository will vary depending on usage but expect at least 500MB.

Operating System:No minimum requirement. Start up scripts are included as shell scripts (tested on many Unix flavors) and Windows batch files.

Official Maven Download Address:

Installing in Windows

Download Maven

For Windows systems, you need to download the “Binary zip archive” package, usually formatted as,The downloaded Maven package is:

Install Maven

Unzip the downloaded, and move the resulting folder apache-maven-3.9.8 to a suitable location. Normally, I place the unzipped folder under D:\dev-env\maven.

Since the download is a binary compressed package, there is no need to install it after decompressing the package, just use it directly. Therefore, my Maven installation directory is D:\dev-env\maven\apache-maven-3.9.8.

Configure Maven system environment variables

In order to use Maven at anywhere in Windows, we need to add the MAVEN_HOME to the system environment variables and include the Maven bin directory in the Path system environment variable.

Configure system environment variables

My Computer => Right-click => Properties => Advanced system settings => Environment Variables => System variables

  • Create a new system variable, which name: MAVEN_HOME, Variable value: D:\dev-env\maven\apache-maven-3.9.8
  • Change the system variable, which name: Path, append to the original variable value: D:\dev-env\maven\apache-maven-3.9.8\bin

Verify the successful installation

Type Win + R to open the command line prompt window (DOS interface), enter mvn --version, and if the content shown in the following figure appears, the configuration is successful.

“Verify the successful installation”

Configure maven local repository

In the Maven configuration (in the conf folder), find the configuration file settings.xml, edit the file, and specify the address of the Maven local repository using the <localRepository> tag:

<!-- localRepository
   | The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts.
   | Default: ${user.home}/.m2/repository

Configure Maven aliyun mirror repository

By default, Maven accesses foreign repositories to download JAR packages. To prevent slow downloads of JAR packages when using Maven in China, it is necessary to change it to the Alibaba Cloud Maven mirror repository[1].

Edit the Maven configuration file settings.xml, and within the <mirrors> tag, add the configuration for the Alibaba Cloud mirror repository:

    <name>Aliyun public</name>

Installing in Linux

First, connect to the Linux system via an SSH remote connection tool. I am using the system’s built-in terminal tool with the following command line: ssh user@ip

> ssh user@ipaddress

Where user is the login username, and ipaddress is the Linux access IP address

Download Maven

Download the Maven Linux installation package apache-maven-3.9.8-bin.tar.gz through the following command line:

> wget

Install Maven

Place the downloaded installation package in the /usr/local/ directory on the disk, and unzip the installation package:

> tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.9.8-bin.tar.gz

Since the download is a binary compressed package, there is no need to install it after decompressing the package, just use it directly.

Configure Maven system environment variables

In order to use Maven properly, you need to add the MAVEN_HOME system environment variable to the system environment variables, and also add the Maven bin directory to the PATH system environment variable.

Edit the /etc/profile file, that is, vi /etc/profile, and add the following content:

export MAVEN_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven-3.9.8
export PATH=${PATH}:${MAVEN_HOME}/bin

Replace ${PATH} with the original PATH content. After saving the configuration, enter the following command to make the configuration take effect:

> source /etc/profile

We can verify if Maven is working properly by using the command mvn -v.

Other configurations are the same as the Windows installation.

  1. Refer to the Alibaba Cloud Maven User Guide: